ED1 - Temperature Sensor 

ED2 - Pressure Sensor 

Innovation by DERICHS

The ED1 - Temperature Sensor and the ED2 - Pressure Sensor: the first electronic measurement tools for wireless temperature and pressure data capture directly from inside the roller. Making your rollers Industry I4.0 ready.

You can turn it and twist it as you like – innovations for your rollers come from DERICHS

You will find more information about the Derichs ED 1+2 here:

ED 1+2 Flyer

ED 1-2 Flyer.pdf

Adobe Acrobat Dokument 918.4 KB


ED 1+2 Tutorial

- currently, only German version

DERICHS Electronical Devices für Walzen_

Adobe Acrobat Dokument 6.3 MB


DERICHS` Motivation 

In order to influence the technical process of extrusion as much detail as possible and to make it reproducible at any time, the process engineer needs as many and as exact data as possible. Today, it is standard to record, visualize and control all the nominal and actual values as process data, which have been prepared in part, as part of the process, to evaluate them and document to the costumer. Any information helps to monitor, influence and control the extrusion process. Actually, however, the important information on temperatures and pressures is not recorded from inside of the roller. Only the heating and cooling unit, which is partly spatially separated, supplies process data used to set and control the process. In addition, individual users have complex measuring devices in front of or behind the rotary in order to get closer to the data in the roller. Although there is certainly a connection between the data of the heating and cooling unit and the actual data in the roller, it is obvious how much more accurate a direct measurement in the roller is.


IoT is the basic for the fourth industrial revolution. Only the communication between things such as sensors and controllers, sensors and process monitoring leads to an intelligent factory. The benefit to the user is more efficient use of resources, an increased reproducibility and better basics for making decisions.

Physical objects can communicate wirelessly among themselves and over the Internet via autonomous, integrated systems. These systems are an integral part of products, devices or machines and make them functional. They determine and interpret data from their physical environment via sensors. They are able to collect data, to digitize and transfer wirelessly - at least over a short distance - to a central process computer and thus easy to transfer to the Internet.

The results of the analysis can be used for process control and monitoring and prevent downtime in production, minimize material and energy consumption and help the operators in intervention and prevention. With these multimodal human-machine interfaces, production can be make more resource-efficient and energy-efficient. 

Analysis and monitoring

Derichs Bluetooth LE mobile IOS APP

Derichs Bluetooth LE Gateway to Analog SPS

Analog outputs for PLC: 0 ... 10V or 4 ... 20mA

Up to 3 rollers, each with 1 inlet and 1 outlet sensor for temperature and pressure,

Sensor Config via iPAD/iPhone

Derichs Bluetooth LE Ethernet Gateway für SPS (Betriebssystem Windows) oder 
Derichs Bluetooth LE Ethernet Gateway für Server (TCP)

Ethernet HTTP output for sensor data

Up to 3 rollers, each with 1 inlet and 1 outlet sensor for temperature and pressure

Sensor Config via iPAD/iPhone

Function of ED Moduls

The ED is a battery-operated electronic measuring device developed for monitoring of high precision rollers in the plastics industry. It consists of two identical electronic modules each connectable with a temperature and / or a pressure sensor.


The DERICHS ED modul is mounted on each face side of the roller and measures directly in the roller inlet and outlet and transmits this data in real-time via Bluetooth® to a corresponding receiver. The acquired data can be read via an Apple® mobile device with the associated app or fed via a PC dongle or a Bluetooth® Gateway directly into a PLC control, or read out, stored and evaluated via a cloud in the intranet or internet. Measurement accuracy for temperature is ± 0,4 °C (on request ± 0,1 °C) in a range of - 40 °C – 200 °C (on request up to 400 °C) and for pressure is ±0,075 bar (by 0-10 bar absolut pressure in a temperature range of 0°C - 125°C).  Data loggings of up to 2000 values allows observation and evaluation over long periods of time.


The app can also store additional data (for example, the roll ID, date of installation, manufacturer data, maintenance data, etc.). The app allows the simultaneous or separate monitoring of multiple rollers as desired, limits with tolerances can also be set. Whenever critical absolute or differential values are reached, known from experience, the roller can automatically trigger an alarm. Failures thus become more predictable and cost for repairs can be minimized and scheduled.


"Already during the test of the ED 1 prototype we were able to optimize our process monitoring even better. Recording the data also enables us to a better assess and document of the entire process also afterwards. Being able to plan the roll maintenance in the future already in advance has convinced us to integrate the ED 1 software in our PLC control. At last a possibility to supervise the roller itself."
Dirk S., Maintenance Manager, producer of aluminium-based packaging materials and technical films, southern Germany

"Through the data transfer in real time, we are even closer to the process with the monitoring, in case of problems we can resort those data with the ED 1 now. These data give us important information about the condition of the current cooling or condition of the rollers. Likewise, we were able to achieve an improvement in our production quality through the use of DERICHS new Rollers."
Karl Mauser, Department Manager Coex Line, Infiana Germany GmbH & Co. KG 

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Here DERICHS Roller Connect V1 = App Demonstration

Derichs Roller Connect V1 0 App Demonstration 

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See here clip of ZHAW/ZSN (Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften):

Highprecision Rollers fit for Industry 4.0

If you like to know more about the new measurement tool ED1
just call us, +49 2162 266 795-0 or reach us by E-Mail: [email protected]